Important Data Layers
Percentage of each census block comprised
of low income population
Percentage of each census block comprised
of minority population
Percentage of each census block comprised
of population over age 64
Coastal Flooding Layers
Map Help
This purpose of the Regional Resilience Exposure Tool (R2ET) is to help visualize the current and future flooding risks for the community.
Search Window
Click on the search button to show the search window. Enter an address to see the risks in that area. If a FEMA Digitial Flood Insurance Rate Map exists in the area, you will see a link to it in the popup window on the map.
Click on the Layers button to show the map layers window. Turn layers on and off using the check boxes and radio buttons. Click on the legend button next to each layer to show the legend for that layer. Click on the information button next to each layer to show information and metadata for that layer.
Click the disclaimer button to view the map disclaimer.
The purpose of the Regional Resilience Exposure Tool (R2ET) is to help visualize the region’s current and future flood risks. The regional data in this map is provided "as is" and is for informational purposes only. Other entities maintain data within the map and Taylor Engineering is not responsible for data accuracy. Communities can download the data layers from the original source in order to augment their individual analysis at the local level.
Basemap information is provided by OpenStreetMap and USGS. For information on specific data layers and where to download them, click on the information icon i within the Layers window.
Enter the full address to search including address, city, state and zip code.
For example:
117 West Duval St, Jacksonville, FL, 32202:
Critical Facilities
USGS Structures from the National Map
Description: USGS Structures from The National Map consists of data to include the name, function, location, and other core information and characteristics of selected manmade facilities. The types of structures collected are largely determined by the needs of disaster planning and emergency response, and homeland security organizations. Structures currently being collected are: School, Technical/Trade School, College/University, Fire Station/EMS Station, Law Enforcement/Police Station, Prison/Correctional Facility, State Capitol, Hospital/Medical Center, Ambulance Service, Cemetery, Post Office, Campground, Trailhead, and Visitor/Information Center. Structures data are designed to be used in general mapping and in the analysis of structure related activities using geographic information system technology. The National Map structures data is commonly combined with other data themes, such as boundaries, elevation, hydrography, and transportation, to produce general reference base maps. The National Map download client allows free downloads of public domain structures data in either Esri File Geodatabase or Shapefile formats.
Map Service:
Wildlife Index
NFWF (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation)
Description: The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) used the following sources to create a comprehensive database of Aquatic and Terrestrial Indices: Nation Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Fisheries Services, Audubon, BirdLife International, and NatureServe. NFWF compiled data from these sources to create an index of priority species and their habitats.
A wildlife index of high value represents watersheds where the most priority species and their habitats are present.
Low Income Population
EPA - Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (Version 2018)
Description: This layer is important because the population in lower income areas is generally less financially resilient during disasters. Percent of individuals whose ratio of household income to poverty level in the past 12 months was less than 2 (as a fraction of individuals for whom ratio was determined). Calculated from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2011-2015.
Minority Population
EPA - Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (Version 2018)
Description: Percent minority as a fraction of population, where minority is defined as all but Non-Hispanic White Alone. Calculated from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2011-2015.
Over Age 64 Population
EPA - Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (Version 2018)
Description: Percent of individuals over age 64 as a fraction of the population. Calculated from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2011-2015.
Flood Hazard Zones
FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer
Note: Performance and speed of data in this layer are directly dependant on FEMA as the data is generated from a map service running on their website.
Description: Effective regulatory flood hazard information is available as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data in the form of the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL). The NFHL provides users with the ability to determine the flood zone, base flood elevation and floodway status for a particular geographic location. It also has National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) community information, map panel information, cross section and hydraulic structure information, Coastal Barrier Resource System information (if applicable) and base map information, such as road, stream and public land survey data. The NFHL dataset represents the current effective flood risk data for those parts of the country where maps have been modernized. It is a compilation of effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases and Letters of Map Revision (LOMR). The NFHL is updated as new data reaches its designated effective date and becomes valid for regulatory use under the NFIP.
Map Service:
Depth of Flood
FEMA Flood Risk Report
Description: These datasets provide additional flood frequencies beyond what the 1-percent-annual-chance flood calculates.
Storm Surge for Evacuation Planning
Florida storm surge zones from Statewide Regional Evacuation Studies
Description: This polygon shapefile or featureset depicting Surge Zones, was created using a Surge Modeling application created for the Florida Statewide Regional Evacuation Update Study. The data was derived from National Hurricane Center SLOSH model runs on all the NOAA SLOSH basins throughout Florida. The runs create outputs for all different storm simulations from all points of the compass. Each direction has a MEOW (maximum envelope of water) for each category of storm (1-5), and all directions combined result in a MOMs (maximum of maximums) set of data. The MOMs are used in this surge model. The application uses three input parameters or data: elevation (from LIDAR), SLOSH basin results, and contiguous shoreline or sea polygons. The LIDAR data used has been converted to a DEM with 5ft pixel resolution. All processing takes place at the same raster resolution, so the resulting surge polygons (if 5ft) are a spline curve-fitting representation loosely following the outer third of each pixel. The shoreline features are used to process only contiguous surge zones for each category storm, so there are no lower surge "islands" in the interior of the surge output features.This version is clipped against a 2004, 1:12000 shoreline produced by the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission ( and contains detailed attributes summarizing population and facility counts within each zone.
Map Service:
The purpose of the Regional Resilience Exposure Tool (R2ET) is to help visualize the region’s current and future flood risks. The regional data in this map is provided "as is" and is for informational purposes only. Other entities maintain data within the map and Taylor Engineering is not responsible for data accuracy. Communities can download the data layers from the original source in order to augment their individual analysis at the local level.
Basemap information is provided by OpenStreetMap and USGS. For information on specific data layers and where to download them, click on the information icon i within the Layers window.